Lohan to get jailed

Finally, after years of open drugs & alcohol abuse she only now gets sentenced..
With some of the movies she did 4/5 years ago she was a role-model for young kids, and she completelly fucked up...now she finally has to pay.
judge should just have sent her over to my place...clean the studio and kneel under my desk.
would have been punishment enough, but who am I to change the american legal system
I'd only go for that Lasse, if the rest of us could be on webcam calling her a useless cunt as she struggles to put on the marigolds.
Keep the fucking whore in there.
She's not needed in the outside world with other free citizens.
You guys are cruel. I wanna give her a hug.
And have sex with her while she's crying...
Oh wait... Does that make me a bad person?
Psshh, 90 days, give me a fucking break

Call me fucking weird, but all you guys that want to fuck her..........I'm not seeing what's attractive about her at all anymore.
Sure, she was alright back in the day, but guys, that was years ago.
In all the photos of her in her current, fucked up drug addled state, she is no more attractive than any other fucking disgusting, scum junkie chick.
Driving under an influence should be treated about the same as an attempted murder.

She was kinda cute and fuckable when she was younger, but now... nah.