LOL at Headbanger's Ball!!!

IMO the Headbangers Ball is somewhat of a joke. Always was and always will be. Yeah, they play some good tunes, but a lot of shit as well, and you can't take most of the shit they say on the show seriously, because they really don't know shit about metal.
LuminousAether said:
Headbanger's Ball isn't that great, but MTV2 Extreme Rock is sitll excellent. I just wish Headbanger's Ball would focus more on metalcore / screamo like Extreme Rock does.
You like that shit, eh? I can't stand it at all. Every band seems like a clone of the other, some guy screaming like a handicapped woman with a hot poker up her rectum for choruses and the drummer or someshit singing like a ponce for the verses over distorted elevator musak. Different stokes I guess.

I saw a Passanger video on that show once. I'm cancelling cable at the end of the month anyway. I realized the other day that I haven't watched TV in over 6 weeks. Fuck it.
None_So_Vile said:
How about that "scuzz" channel? they have that antiques rockshow thing where they occasionally show a few good vids

I've heard some good things about this, apparently there ia "The Mullet man show" which plays a lot of Death Metal. I think the channel normally has classic rock and metal, with some of the newer, shitter death metal now and again (N*Flamz, Arch Enemy, etc.)

Hope it works out and doesn't go like MTV2. What a joke that was, one of the first things I ever saw on their was Slayer and I thought it was gonna be cool, no it's full of Gay Emo and Nu-Metal and Gay-Core
Music Television channels will never show anything thats worth watching for more than 1 video. MTV2 UK is fuckin appalling, the hardest thing they play is The Stereophonics, and Kerrang! TV should just stop. Now. Only teenage mongs who wear jeans 14 sizes too big, slipknot/korn/rancid/*insert popular band name here* hoodies, Vans trainers and a dog collar enjoy that heap of shit for a music channel.

The best music channel on UK TV is by far Performance. I'd rather watch jazz festivals and performances once a fortnight when i find that one is on than have all the crap that i have to wade through everytime i'm after something to watching/listen to.
Punk rock homicide said:
It's funny that you guys that talk shit about hatebreed and Jamey were listening to korn and marylin manson back when Jamey was busting his ass booking almost every hardcore show in CT

You gives a fuck, Hatebreed are shit. I could book every show possible for a band that is even shitter than Hatebreed. It doesn't mean that i should be respected.
Yeah, gotta love the Classical guitar performances on Performance, there is one in particular, 3 spanish guys in a warehouse, Amazing.

I saw a black guy playing 2 guitars at once, tapping both of them at once, funky stuff.

Nile were on channel 4 at about 4 a.m. once.

Friday Rock Show used to be good with Tommy Vance.
Jamey Jasta and his little band should die. The sad thing with HeadBangers Ball is that everytime they have a nu-metal guest they show nothing but nu-metal, but I have seen one or two good videos, like Porcupine Tree, Nevermore, and Kataklysm...but then again only three videos the entire time its been on air is really fucking bad. MTV needs to die already.
Ageless said:
Music Television channels will never show anything thats worth watching for more than 1 video. MTV2 UK is fuckin appalling, the hardest thing they play is The Stereophonics, and Kerrang! TV should just stop. Now. Only teenage mongs who wear jeans 14 sizes too big, slipknot/korn/rancid/*insert popular band name here* hoodies, Vans trainers and a dog collar enjoy that heap of shit for a music channel.

The best music channel on UK TV is by far Performance. I'd rather watch jazz festivals and performances once a fortnight when i find that one is on than have all the crap that i have to wade through everytime i'm after something to watching/listen to.
Thats cuz MTV2 UK isnt really a metal channel, its more of an Alternative channel or something, either way its shit.
Kerrang show the odd Satryicon video and Maiden video... thats about it, the rest is usually something like those goons Finch, and the other 0690687 bands that look the same.
If you get past the crap that they usually play, you might be able catch some of the good stuff like:

Lamb of God, Nevermore, Arch Enemy, Black Dahlia Murder, Meshuggah, Cradle of Filth. Those are just a few that I remember seeing, off the top of my head.
Edgecrusher said:
If you get past the crap that they usually play, you might be able catch some of the good stuff like:

Lamb of God, Nevermore, Arch Enemy, Black Dahlia Murder, Meshuggah, Cradle of Filth. Those are just a few that I remember seeing, off the top of my head.
And Neurosis, and Hate Eternal, and Decapitated, and Opeth, just to name a few more.
AND In Flames, and Soilwork, and Godhead, and Killswitch Engage, and Death, and Slayer, and Testament, and if I'm not mistaken, Entombed as well.

And there's nothing wrong with playing Godsmack/Static-X/Hatebreed/Sevendust either. It's good heavy stuff that they don't play anywhere else.

I think the return of the Ball is a good, good, thing for metal in general.