To all the people who feel the need to comment about legalities and such....Fuck off! I use to be illegal for two people of the same sex to have sex, and god forbid they be together, it use to be illegal to have sex in any position other then missionary, and still is in most states and a few countries. The only reason most things sexual are illegal is because of Catholicism and Christianity have deemed them so. Granted there are things I agree with being wrong, messing with children, rape, forced sex of any kind. But animals are perfectly capable of giving consent. Hell most dogs I have ever met have more personality the their owners. As long as a person is not hurting the animal I see no reason for anyone to judge that person. Now these are my personal opinions and are in no way saying go and do it, but as a Wicca follower, I feel that sexual activity with an animal is both a sign of love and natural desire for pleasure and in no way see anything wrong with most things done in sex other then the above mentioned forced sex and child sex