LOL @ Taake

Do you know of whether your grandfather would have had any reservations about going over to kill Italian nazi allies?

Probably not. He was kind of a dick [edit: Drunk dick] from what I can remember. I think he just wanted to shoot shit and not get in trouble for it. I wouldn't put shooting his former countrymen past him.
i'm not sure how the military handled german or italian american soldiers, probably didn't care since they'd be all naturalized and whatnot, but i know that they tried to send most of the untrustworthy nisei soldiers to the european theater
I thought it was well established that The Glorious Burden sucks? Guess not. Oh well, carry on, I don't know shit anyway.
yeah so the TAAKE show on monday night was pretty interesting....

A few days ago in Sacramento there was an incident at the Taake show where someone set off pepper spray into the crowd. Allegedly it was done by one person, a member of the local chapter of Antifa, who came in during the last song and let loose a torrent of this party favorite into the crowd. What could cause someone to commit such an act of mischief? Apparently the rumor mill has this shit (sort of) figured out. Antifa had launched the missive on their Sacramento chapter’s social media sites to boycott and protest this show because Taake’s vocalist once painted a swastika on his chest and also has made anti-Islamic comments somewhere.

full article
taake is awesome and id photoshop corpsepaint on his junk any time

on a serious note though - Hoest is one of the most charismatic performers in bm
How is stuff in your country?
In any other situation I'd say that everything is ok even when it's not, but since it's not just about me anymore I'll be honest - things are not going well at all.
I actually just got back from a panikhida (a memorial service in orthodox) as today we've buried a Paris national opera singer who was originally Ukrainian and since the war started - he was doing nothing but dedicating himself to helping the army, eventually he was killed 2 days ago. I haven't met much people like him in my life.., you know this kind of ppl that are so strong and full of energy and are so clear about their ideas that they seem immortal.

And you know what's sad about this war? That Ukraine is trading opera singers and national singers for Russian garage working drunk hobos who go to our territory to killed our people because they're paid, and when they die - they are being buried like dogs, with no service because it's a secret that there are russian militaries on our lands, because he's (and you know who Im talking about) still trying to convince everybody that we're having a civil war (that's why about 7k russian soldiers were killed on our territory during past couple years :), yet 90% of his country believe him, it's insane what they're doing to Russian people, they feed them with something toxic or they put some hypnose on tv but all of them like one whore-ship their dude... heard the recent drama with Rammstein singer and mr president?

So yeah, things are crappy... But so far we're keeping fighting.
Thank you for asking, Mike, I appreciate that.