LOL @ Taake

Yeah, 3 years ago. :loco:

But yes, admittedly, I still have to crack a smile whenever I see it.
the black metal lesson here:

burn a church and become a legend....AND GO TO PRISON*

kill a euronymous and become infamous......AND GO TO PRISON*

torture a guy and people pay attention......AND GO TO PRISON (I think)

wear a swastika, and watch idiotic distributors and festival promoters sell out because they fear they may not make as much money

Well look on the bright side Hoest, at least you're not going to prison :tickled:

*where obligatory anal pummeling ensues even amongst the nazis a la American History XXX
These might be the truest words ever spoken on a Nazi-related issue on this forum...bottom line, if you publicly flirt with Nazi imagery for shock value or otherwise, you better be prepared to face the consequences and be perceived as a complete dipshit to everyone (except to NS apologists of course). As for being dropped from festivals and shunned by distributors, it's inevitable as a means of avoiding guilt by association.

True. And if you're looking for nazis... Russia is your country of choice right now, they're even getting police and government "support" (money, looking the other way, weapons, etc ), so grow up and move along. Additionally, foreigners and guest workers are no longer allowed to trade their goods in the markets. Only russians. 4th Reich. I suggest reign in Acai learns russian.

Oh, btw... there are more Nazis in the US than Europe.





Would also work, since 'stoppen' is a verb. And the Imperativ, would be Stop. There are such things are 'STOP' signs here. :P
Blast Corpse Promotion, the German booking agency which organized TAAKE's recent "Black Hordes Over Europe Tour II" with URGEHAL and KOLDBRANN, has issued a statement distancing itself from the actions of TAAKE lead singer Hoest, who appeared on stage in Essen, Germany last week with a swastika symbol drawn on his chest. The statement reads as follows:

"Regarding the very stupid and unprofessional actions made by Hoest (TAAKE) during their appearance in Essen/Germany, we would like to apologise for his stupidity and to make it clear that Blast Corpse Promotion does not in any way, condone or support such behavior. The only reason we continued the tour was because of the support bands URGEHAL and KOLDBRANN had invested a lot of time and money is this tour and we wanted to make sure the tour would be played out as promised, and that actions of one should not ruin it for everyone. After this incident, we did offer the remaining promoters a chance to cancel the shows — and lastly — we were asked to cancel TAAKE from the following festivals: Ragnarök and Tomahawk, which we completely respect and understand. Hoest/TAAKE takes all responsibility for his actions, and all questions regarding this incident are to be directed to him."

According to an article published in the March 26 edition of the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidende, TAAKE's record label, Dark Essence Records, has indicated that it may terminate its relationship with the band as a result of TAAKE's behavior at the Essen concert.

and the story gets taaken to the next level