LOL - The Jesus Metal Explosion.


Sep 25, 2009
Has anyone seen this....


I'm really not to sure what to think.....Somehow this mixture just doesn't seem right... At least the title of the song is completely retarded, you would have thunk they could have come up with something a bit more clever and serious.

Keep the religious aspect discussion out of this forum. There is a two week vacation for anyone that ignores me.

Insult the crappy video all you want.
Musically there are points that it reminds me of Lordi, (without the growlys) and I have to be honest I like the monk robes, I think that looks awesome.

Keep the religious aspect discussion out of this forum. There is a two week vacation for anyone that ignores me.

Insult the crappy video all you want.

Why do I feel that was directed at me? HAHA
I was not going into any aspect of a religious discussion, just thought it was a cheesy attempt at whatever they were going for even if it is...
I've got your Jesus metal.

Which is totally not fair because Antestor actually -does- have a number of good tracks (if you're into black metal and don't mind the Christian imagery.)
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I was waiting to see the book "Metal Videos for Dummies" open somewhere in the background...

Oh well, makes you appreciate good ORIGINAL music when you hear it.
The lyrics were on par with that Friday Friday Friday youtube crapfest.

I agree they did the monksrobe thing pretty well, and the singer looks like a girl I used to wait tables with who later became a complete coke-head.
I actually kinda dug that (cheesy lyrics notwithstanding, though fans of our genre can't be too critical of cheesy lyrics). Then again, I'm into Christian metal.

I did find Brent's joke quite funny though :D