lol. the Wii is everywhere.

Only played Starfox on the NES. It was called "Starwing" in Europe I think.

It was called Lylat Wars (after the solar system the game is set in) because those bitches at Lucasoft complained that people would confuse it for their game, Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire (which was shite by the way!).

I also reckon, it terms of pure gaming, that the SNES is the Emperor of all systems!

So many great games (so many games in general) and many (especially the Squaresoft RPGs) are still excellent and playable today.
Also a bonus because you can download them for the Wii (after you purchase them from Nintendo of course).
no way, goldeneye was a little better than perfect dark. the facility level in goldeneye and the last level were just fucking awesome.

Even though everyone says the wii controller is great and all, i can't imagine how playing first person shooters would work well.

You can still use the old Nintendo Gamecube controller if you want...there are ports for them. Nintendo owns everyone.
How fucking cool is that? NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Sega Genesis, and the ORIGINAL Sega games are all available on the Wii.

Can you imagine playing Contra, Simon's Quest, Goldeneye, Sonic, Street Fighter Turbo 3, and all the old Sega and Sega Genesis games on the same console?

Can you say, "Altered Beast"?

dude. the sports games on the Wii are fantastic
shit yes they are. best party games since Halo.

One day, Lucasarts and Nintendo will join forces to release a lightsaber dueling game using the Wiimote. And on that day, civilization will collapse because everyone in the world will call in sick to work/school to stay home and play Jedi.
seriously, dude, imagine it. two guys facing off with a room full of friends, all drunk, wiimotes in hand, LIGHTSABER DUELING. I'm not even a big Star Wars fan and i would have so much fuckin fun. they just need to program a good intuitive way to move your avatar and not just your 'saber.
I'm just waiting for leg attachments and expansion consoles for the paddles to have more than one controller. 2 leg straps that go at the ankles, 2 wrist straps, all sensing where each limb is... could make for some killer games... like that Police 911 game in the arcades... and a more advanced boxing game.

edit: I use "..." alot.

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