Rayman for the Wii

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
So Annalisa buys the new Rayman game for the Wii, which is basically a party game with lots of mini games in it. I thought it was kinda stupid at first, but then I realized it's one of the coolest party games I've ever seen.

My favorite mini game? You and a friend have to aim at the head of your respective evil rabbit (color coded...green for player one, red for player two) with the right hand controller and use the left hand controller to beat them in the head with a hammer, and whoever has the biggest lump on the head at the end of the match wins. I was laughing so hard the first time I played it that I couldn't use the controller properly.

I'm going to have to rent this then... only problem right now is, I need a second controller. :(

Zelda: Twilight Princess fucking rules though.
Yup I've got Zelda and I'm at a place that's pissing me off and can't figure out how to get around it...I think I'll go buy Red Steel or something.
I'm sure IGN has a walkthrough by now for it. My buddy informed me today that it took him 45 hours of play to finish the game, and that was without getting secrets and side-quests and such. This game is bloody huge.
Rayman is one of the funniest Wii games to watch someone play. I like the one where you have to squirt people with carrot juice. It's a pump style carrot or whatever and you have to use one hand/remote to "pump" and the other to shoot. Looks so much like someone furiously jacking off while pointing at something.