London - Dingwalls


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2006

Is anyone going to see Evergrey at Dingwalls in London on 6th Nov? Are you gonna take a digital camera? Says on the dingwalls site that cameras are not permitted... wonder if they really mean it... :)
I'm gonna be as close to the front as i can get, but i'm in pain as it is:P went to dream evil last night!!
Whats dingwalls like as a venue?
never been inside...
Unsure of a couple of songs in the setlist:

End of Your Days
Rulers of The Mind
As I Lie Here Bleeding
In Rememberance
Till Dagmar >
Still In The Water >
Monday Morning Apocalypse
???? >
In Search of Truth
I'm Sorry
The Great Deceiver
Recreation Day
Guitar & keyboard solos
The Masterplan
Cracking show last night - best since "A Night To Remember"!
Welcome to Evergrey Frederik!
The set list was:

End Of Your Days
Rulers Of The Mind
As I Lie Here Bleeding
In Remembrance
Til Dagmar
Still In The Water
Monday Morning Apocalypse
Solitude Within
Mark Of The Triangle
More Than Ever
I'm Sorry
Great Deceiver
When The Walls Go Down
Recreation Day
A Touch Of Blessing
The Masterplan
what a gig, man!!!
i have to say, i was immensely pleased with avatar and awake, one of the avatar guitarists was rockin' out with me and he gave me his pick!! wooo!
and the singer screamed FUCKK!! in my mates face! Brilliant!
and of course, evergrey were just fucking amazing as always, those bastards never disapoint
BTW, Awake used to be called Humanity. They played Bloodstock 04 and then supported Evergrey at the Underwold in Camden a few months ago. They seem to have coincided a name change with the loss of one of their guitarists, I guess.
Cool gig :-), I was there at the front. Right in front of Henrik. fucking awesome!! Didnt take my camera in the end. Bloody should have though. Everyone else did!!! Nevermind, got a couple of pics on my phone :-)
by the wayyyy
has anyone got any pics? i didnt bring my cam, i left it at work:(
and i had hendricks crotch in my face:(
BTW, Awake used to be called Humanity. They played Bloodstock 04 and then supported Evergrey at the Underwold in Camden a few months ago. They seem to have coincided a name change with the loss of one of their guitarists, I guess.

Hehe, I saw em support them at the Underworld and remember them being called Humanity.. the gig where I infamously felt attracted to Evergrey's ex-bassist, Michael Hakanson's leg.. and managed to steal his pick. Ahem. Good to see his replacement is doing well, even if he doesn't quite have the evil look about him that Michael has/had. Hendrik's crotch for the win :)