London VS Berlin


I love this gain
Oct 20, 2007
Run away from here in a month.

My 2 bands and I (we're the same but 1) are migrating to London because of the jobs and music. When we booked the tour for our last cd, there were many more offers from England than Spain.

Buut, now I'm offered a scholarship to study German so Berlin would be great to spend some time there.

One of the bands is ala As I lay Dying, All That Remains, The Black Dalhia Murder but with a more hardcore-ish vox.

The other's ala Ignite, Story of the year, thrice (old), Boysetsfire, but more metal (in fact magazines use to place us into metal section instead of hardcore)

I'm wondering if there's someone here who knows both scenes and can telll me what's the better choice NOW to go with the bands. I guess both but maybe there are surprises...
Well for one Berlin is a lot cheaper (food, rent, ...) than London.
Also I think it might be very difficult to get a job in London. For some reason I think it might be harder there than in Berlin, can't really explain, it's just a gut feeling. What kind of professional fields are you guys looking into?
I think it also depends on which language you guys are better at (English or German).
May I ask the names of the bands?
Well for one Berlin is a lot cheaper (food, rent, ...) than London.
Also I think it might be very difficult to get a job in London. For some reason I think it might be harder there than in Berlin, can't really explain, it's just a gut feeling. What kind of professional fields are you guys looking into?
I think it also depends on which language you guys are better at (English or German).
May I ask the names of the bands?

-thnx! yep, Berlin's cheaper, I've noticed big difference in rentals. London's a bit cheaper than before anyway.

We don't speak german but I'm a languages teacher so I can work in a language school teaching Spanish and English (studying ficken Deutsch now). So, no big problem with this. My mates are: a tattoo artist (so no problem with language) and a IDK hahah (waiter or something).

I was living in London for a short time a couple of years ago and the jobs were easier to get than now with the recession, I guess. Anyway, better than here. We also produce bands and record shit in our free time for extra cash.


Milk Fiction (I sing): HxC with a metal tone (they say from Iron Maiden to Raised Fist influences) I'm the "leader" so I write and produce. Link in signature. Mastering 3rd album ATM.

A Thousand Yells: (I'm the drummer): Metal (they say from All that Remains to At the gates) My drummer's the leader playing the guitar here, so he writes/produces. Didn't link to it yet. I feel a little embarrased as it is only a demo with ez-drummer and the old frontman by now (I know... EZ, but I don't produce it) hahahh. Mastering 1st CD ATM with proper drums & vox.


Man, that's immensely appreciated!! :kickass::kickass::kickass: I'll PM you to buy you some pints so you can tell me about the scene girls and such. :worship:

Yeah, both are awesome. I was determined to go to London but, on the other side, I know some places in Germany but not Berlin yet. And the fact that I'm probably paid the German school is highly tempting.
Berlin is a sleeping giant. The city grows and grows, and the differnet pieces (east and west) are growing together, but slowly.
Also berlin is very chaotic, dirty, but has its own flair.

London on the other hand, is super clean, has its traditions, is super confident, IMO the greatest city in Europe.

About HC/metalcore scene in berlin.
Big but jaded. To many shows every day, so you mostly have never a full club.

Dont know a thing about the london-scene
Wait, London is clean?? Sure wasn't when I was there but that was a few years ago. On the other hand Berlin looked pretty clean last October. :D Granted I haven't really been to any "bad" places.
Dude I´m living in Hamburg. The cleanest city in europe:) so every other city looks dirty to me

First time I was in Berlin (1995 I think) I thought I´m in Stalingrad (after the war of course ;)

But I have to admit, I´m not objective about London. I love that city!!!!
Berlin is a sleeping giant. The city grows and grows, and the differnet pieces (east and west) are growing together, but slowly.
Also berlin is very chaotic, dirty, but has its own flair.

London on the other hand, is super clean, has its traditions, is super confident, IMO the greatest city in Europe.

About HC/metalcore scene in berlin.
Big but jaded. To many shows every day, so you mostly have never a full club.

Dont know a thing about the london-scene

nice thnx.

every show I was in London was sold out!

A shame Berlin is such a mess. Yeah I guess London has a more consolidated music industry