Longest hair in metal


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
I'd say Matt Barlow, but his long hair is coupled with "The Highest Forehead in metal", both he and christy have got MASSIVE foreheads :eek:


Warrel's pretty close, although he had much longer hair at one point during sanctuary's later days.


Pat Obrien has a fairly impressive mane too


...one more thing... How STONED is VanMan in this one :eek:


beat THAT niel :D
:eek: thats some long hair, would that hair be too long to headbang w/ flowing hair? you'd need a fan to blow your hair around (hahahaha which is what Morbid Angel used on the Extreme Steel Tour)
I wonder which way he would headbang to get the most movement from that ear hair?

I'm guessing he's a WINDMILL kinda guy :lol:
Yes, Ross from Immolation has the longest I've seen...

Herb from local band Drawn and Quartered is a close second...

I'm working on it, though.
and a few Sikh's indians i have seen...

and a metal dude in germany, some death metal one, can't remember...
vasaria rocks

did they ever come out with another album other than the self titled one? i havent heard anything about them in a long time
neither have I. I actually only saw that video clip, :D , and don't even remember the title of the song. but the hair is surely the longest I've seen in the metal world.

buzz>> for further info, send a PM to Chromatose. :lol:

Vasaria , a Goth Metal band from New York. Apparantly they're pretty well known, in europe especially, but it would suprise me, took me about 2 years to finally find some place to get their album after it came out. I forget where i found out about them.. samples from somewhere i guess.. haha


Baron's hair looks pretty fuckin' long :lol: