Longest hair in metal

Originally posted by Chromatose
I wonder which way he would headbang to get the most movement from that ear hair?

I'm guessing he's a WINDMILL kinda guy :lol:

:lol: And I thought the last post I read would be the funniest thing i read today...this beats it easily. :lol:
this is the official one:

@Tee&Slipknot isnt metal: My father was born in croatia and therefore I got relatives there :)
One of my uncles, my "Kume" (did I write it correctly) lives in Zagreb, but sorry, I don't speak croatian, except "dober dan" and such stuff..:(
he is "kume" when you talk to him like, hey, kume, dobar dan!, but usually, if you talk about him, he's only "kum". :D

great, tell us about your relatives then. do they live in Zagreb or somewhere else? :err:
Originally posted by Trapped
this is the official one:


whoa long hair, also amazed at how that girl lives in the same state as me. Im having a little trouble reading the article , even though i only had around 6 years of french class!
Originally posted by dead_fetus

Good god! That is the longest damn hair i've ever seen. It looks like just a monsrous wave of hair EXPLODING from his head! That looks so damn great! Wow, I wish I could get my hair that long. That would be hard as all hell to take care of though. :rock:
This man would impress any lion :grin:

@Tee: Ah, thanks! Well, one aunt lives in Koper, another in Cetingrad..and my father's mom lives in a small town about a 1 or 2 hour car-drive from Zagreb, but sorry I don't know it exactly