Longest Song Title?


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
So I'm listening to "Hot in the Shade" by Kiss, and I see that track 11 is called "The Street Giveth And The Street Taketh Away", and I start wondering, "What's the song with the longest title?"

Yeah, and so I decided to start a thread about it. What IS the song with the longest title? There are probably plenty that I'm forgetting, but the aforementioned ditty is the longest I can think of at the moment.

Over to you, boys and girls!
Look to a) Grindcore or b) Black metal for long song titles. Here are some titles of Grind songs I know of...

I Just Finished Sucking Off Metalheads In The Men's Toilets
A Tracksuit Is Not Appropriate Mteal Attire
I Converted To Judaism So A Guy Would Touch My Dick
Limp Bizkit Think They're Black But Really They're Just Gay

I just found the longest song title!

" I'm a Cranky Old Yank In A Clanky Old Tank On The Streets Of Yokohama With My Honolulu Mama Doin' Those Beat-o Beat-O Flat On My Seat-O - O Hirohito Blues" - By Hoagy Carmicheal

Only in America!:rolleyes:
Er... yeah :). I was going to suggest "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together and Grooving With a Pict" by Pink Floyd, or "Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey" by The Beatles, but you lot have gone one better!

Spiff, "The Street Giveth..." is one of my fave tracks on Hot in the Shade. Gene wrote it as a tribute to David Bowie, hence the lyrics lifted from Suffragette City and Rock n' Roll Suicide.

W (the trivia hound)
The only 3 tracks on Hot In The Shade that I don't like are The Street Giveth, Cadillac Dreams and Betrayed.

Betrayed is ok, but the other 2 I hate.
How very odd :confused:. I love those three songs. It's drek like Read My Body, Prisoner of Love and King of Hearts I can't stand...

Why haven't they remastered that album yet? The sound on the original CD release is quite flat IMHO.

The bigwigs at the record company don't really care about anything post-make up, do they? Otherwise we'd see classics like "Crazy Nights" (still my favourite Kiss album!) remastered and stuff, not the rubbish they released in the 70s which had three or four great tracks and the rest being filler.

/me gets ready for some horrid flaming from Wrathy and Troops :)
Crazy Nights is remastered. Everything up to either Smashes or Hot In The Shade has been remastered so far.

I'm not going to flame you because I prefer non-makeup Kiss myself :) And apart from albums like Kiss, Hotter Than Hell, Destroyer and Rock N Roll Over, I completely agree about the 4 good tracks then filler in the '70s hehe. Well that only leaves Dynasty, Dressed To Kill and Love Gun, but those albums are mostly filler. Plus there are 2-3 fillers on all the others too in the '70s except Rock N Roll Over in my opinion.

Wrathy: I *love* King Of Hearts, hehe.... Prisoner Of Love I don't mind, probably my 3rd fave Gene track on the album after Somewhere Between Heaven & Hell and Love's A Slap In The Face.... and Read My Body rules except for the spoken vocals in the verses which just suck.
Nah there is no extra stuff on any of the Kiss remasters. They just have the chapter of Kisstory as the CD case inlay thing and the remastered sound, new back cover and different book.
They remastered all the makeup albums in 1997 and then Lick It Up through to Smashes Thrashes & Hits last year I think, or maybe late 2000.

And they all match kinda.
Spiff, 80s KISS is probably my favourite era too. Sure the 70s stuff was great, but the albums from Creatures through to Revenge sound heavier and a lot more professional than so-called "classics" like Rock n' Roll Over or Love Gun. I'd rather listen to Lick it Up, Animalize or Asylum than those two any day :rock:

Troops, the remasters of Lick it Up through to Crazy Nights came out in September 98, just before Psycho Circus. I don't think Smashes, Thrashes and Hits was included though...

Really? I've only seen them in the last year or so, before that I only saw the old versions around.

I'm pretty sure I've seen Smashes Thrashes & Hits with the "KISS Remasters" written on the spine though....