Look at that fucking hipster

This shit makes me laugh and cringe simultaneously


Purely based on his pants and headband thing alone, I want to beat the piss out of this guy.
Why the fuck do males wear this shit?
Ermz was definitely right about too many males being in denial of their cock these days.
Extreme machoism may be cave man retarded shit, but it's arguably less retarded than today's hipster types.
I knew something was wrong when I was only the guy walking away from a showing of 300 not saying "Eww."

Screw this. I'm gonna go watch the movie about Tyler Durden.
hooray for pup culture giving us an even more insipid movement than the post-millenial emo-kids.

It's actually emo-kids gone to college.

I personally find them amusing. The world would be kinda boring without people you could dismiss as outright idiots.
Ah yes, the hipsters. Their the ones buying up all old Casio keyboards and vintage gear, growing beards and wearing vintage clothing, and talking up Vonnegut and Ginsberg, while looking for obscure vinyl and talking it up really loudly at the local organic coffee spot. When I take a trip to New York I got a feeling I'm gong to be knee deep in beards, electro-pop-indie-rock, and bowl cuts.

Oh, and a Pabst Blue Ribbon is always in hand
Ah yes, the hipsters. Their the ones buying up all old Casio keyboards and vintage gear, growing beards and wearing vintage clothing, and talking up Vonnegut and Ginsberg, while looking for obscure vinyl and talking it up really loudly at the local organic coffee spot. When I take a trip to New York I got a feeling I'm gong to be knee deep in beards, electro-pop-indie-rock, and bowl cuts.

Oh, and a Pabst Blue Ribbon is always in hand

You forgot to mention that they actually don't really understand Vonnegut and Ginsberg. Not like us post-metallers. :u-huh::u-huh::u-huh::u-huh:

Isnt that the guys who where interviewed in Bullshit about organic foods or something like that? :u-huh:
You forgot to mention that they actually don't really understand Vonnegut and Ginsberg. Not like us post-metallers. :u-huh::u-huh::u-huh::u-huh:

True, I should have said that they just carry around books by Vonnegut and Ginsberg and read the wiki summery on them and memorize it to spew it out. As long as they keep their grubby hands off Hart Crane, E.E. Cummings and Pablo Neruda I'll be fine. But, I got a feeling they'll be after them next.