Hipster Metal and Other Musings


I got some issues. I bought the April 2016 issue of Decibel magazine since it had Fates Warning- Awaken The Guardian in the Hall of Fame. Worth every penny for that alone, but most of the rest of the magazine was filled with hipster metal and odd genre cross -pollination. You know, shoegazer black metal bands, doom metal bands that release vinyl only, more bands in corpse paint, ads for new band albums that state they are the most extreme and the most evil. Writers trying to be funny in regards to the hipster bands they like. Tech metal bands with whiney sounding hardcore type singers writing about some made up nonsensical sci-fi horse shit. Not one mention of Dokken so I used all remaining pages besides the HOF for toilet paper. A bit course but I had to take a stand against this odd influx of bad music spewed forth by the evil empire known as Decibel magazine.
I like Necrophagist. Everyone knows Epitaph rules but all those bands afterwards..... Ugh. They took Meshuggah, Dream Theater and Necrophagist mixed it up and shat out some real pretentious derivetive dog shit. Are you implying you're a fan of Gaahl? I'm not
I played a show with my band. The headliner local band also on the bill sounded exactly like Kings Of Leon. I wanted to tell them to quit plagiarising other bands and tell their fans to wear socks with their tight pants. I refrained from that and instead went outside, smoked a cigarette and bitched to anyone in earshot about my anger. Came home and listened to King Diamonds Fatal Portrait to put me in a better mood before bed time.
Dream Theater isn't really pretentious. They're pretty goofy and wanky and they know they are, and their albums are often full of in-jokes.

I don't know what the above comment about me is referring to (unless you're acknowledging that Protest the Hero is a metal band and not -core).