Look out San Diego, TD's invading your turf...

I was just reading that San Diego is closed to assholes. So save your money and stay home.

TD said:
Change of itinerary! I'm flying into Denver (hopefully long enough to hang with Tad) and then we are roadtripping to San Diego, then I'm flying home!
Next year, for my birthday, we are going to "WAM BAM, AMSTERDAM!"
DarbysDad said:
Alright - piece of cake. I;m used to animals and their needs.

And Alex smoke all you want with the wife. She has nice cleavage by the way so you can get stoned and look at big boobs staring at you.

Hell yeah!! bring skorned too
TD said:
Yeah, but who wants their daughter making $$$$$ in the den of inequity. Shaking her ass for dirty men. Chris Rock said "if your daughter's cleaning the pole, you done fucked up as a daddy."
:grin: No one wants their daughter to be a tramp. If one of my nieces, or one of my little council girls ever went to work at one of those houses of ill repute, I'd go in and drag them out.

Ignorant Jack Ass!

Just because a chick is a stripper she's a tramp? If you could widen that narrow mind for a few moments you'd understand that for some of these girls it's a means to an end. A LOT of these girls are working their way through school, trying to raise children on their own or just trying to make ends meet. I've met bigger "tramps" that aren't strippers than are. You live in a small world w/a small mind.

BTW: I definately would have responded to this earlier if I had cared enough to read it before.
Hey Skorned, you have now realized the TD is an asshole. Not only does he live in a small world, and have a small mind. His paycheck is even smaller.

Skorned1 said:
Ignorant Jack Ass!

Just because a chick is a stripper she's a tramp? If you could widen that narrow mind for a few moments you'd understand that for some of these girls it's a means to an end. A LOT of these girls are working their way through school, trying to raise children on their own or just trying to make ends meet. I've met bigger "tramps" that aren't strippers than are. You live in a small world w/a small mind.

BTW: I definately would have responded to this earlier if I had cared enough to read it before.
My favorite is when he's a total ass hole to one person, then starts a couple "Sun Shiney" Threads as if to say "Look at me, I really am a nice person."

Isn't that called Bipolar disorder?
Skorned1 said:
Ignorant Jack Ass!

Just because a chick is a stripper she's a tramp? If you could widen that narrow mind for a few moments you'd understand that for some of these girls it's a means to an end. A LOT of these girls are working their way through school, trying to raise children on their own or just trying to make ends meet. I've met bigger "tramps" that aren't strippers than are. You live in a small world w/a small mind.

BTW: I definately would have responded to this earlier if I had cared enough to read it before.

So because "it's a mean to an end" means "it's ok."
Forget the moral ramifications. If the negro down the street needs $$$ and shoots and kills someone, as a "means to an end" it's cool
Skorned1 said:
Ignorant Jack Ass!

Just because a chick is a stripper she's a tramp? If you could widen that narrow mind for a few moments you'd understand that for some of these girls it's a means to an end. A LOT of these girls are working their way through school, trying to raise children on their own or just trying to make ends meet. I've met bigger "tramps" that aren't strippers than are. You live in a small world w/a small mind.

BTW: I definately would have responded to this earlier if I had cared enough to read it before.
Couldn't these girls make "means to an end" at the library or Starbucks or something a little more classy :err: Just a question...... something about taking off your clothes for perves seems like dirty $$$$$$$$ and bad karma
starbucks means to an end is probably a hair above min. wage. i wouldn't even set my alarm clock for that kinda shit. i've got a family to provide for. and i find it interesting for someone to say it's bad to be a stripper, and also admit to smoking crack. i'm not perfect, but i don't do drugs either......
TD: I'm sure that stripping and murdering are not in the same category. We'll just start with the fact that stripping is legal. As for moral ramifications, what would those be? Are you assuming that all of these girls comprimise themselves and are prostitutes? I'm sure since when you said "If the negro down the street needs $$$ and shoots and kills someone". So, you're racist too?

Stip joints can be a healthy expression/appreciation of sexuality. True, some clubs are "dirtier" than others, and some strippers too. But to make a blanket statement that strippers are tramps just proves you are narrow minded.
you guys said it alll - I dind't want to go their with TD - all I know is if my daughter stripped I'd still love her. If I had the the choice between dancing and strarfucks - you know what I'd do. What makes me better than a stripper I like phone sex, cyber sex, enjoy porno mags - it takes 2 to tango.

and Skorn Td's not a racists he's a liberal elitist.
lespaulbass666 said:
i know a couple of girls who work at the local strip club. one drives a brand new benz, the other a pimped out escalade. and they're single parents. either one of them makes twice what i make a year, and i make some good $$. why did i go to college?? if i had a nice rack and sweet ass, i'd do it. :grin:
you went to college like me and you once had hair - :loco: yeah why did we go to college? :Spin:
TD said:
Couldn't these girls make "means to an end" at the library or Starbucks or something a little more classy :err: Just a question...... something about taking off your clothes for perves seems like dirty $$$$$$$$ and bad karma

So your saying that you are a crackhead with class?
TD: Smoking crack with churchgirls=good
Females showing off the their bodies=bad
Yeah, you are someone to really lecture people about morals
