Look out San Diego, TD's invading your turf...

DarbysDad said:
you guys said it alll - I dind't want to go their with TD - all I know is if my daughter stripped I'd still love her. If I had the the choice between dancing and strarfucks - you know what I'd do. What makes me better than a stripper I like phone sex, cyber sex, enjoy porno mags - it takes 2 to tango.

and Skorn Td's not a racists he's a liberal elitist.

Don't forget "mean, cruel, and backstabbing."
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
So your saying that you are a crackhead with class?
TD: Smoking crack with churchgirls=good
Females showing off the their bodies=bad
Yeah, you are someone to really lecture people about morals

It's tough being a role model, but I do it well! Thanks for your post.