Looking ahead at albums for 2003...

It's already been leaked Ali, you can probably find it at UseNet, or other major download centers. We'll have the promo probably in a couple weeks. And for the record, Tom from Evergrey doesn't consider it more than a one-time thing for him (he recorded all his vocals in a single day and mailed them in), so I'm not sure how much of a "real" band they will be.
markgugs said:
It's already been leaked Ali, you can probably find it at UseNet, or other major download centers. We'll have the promo probably in a couple weeks. And for the record, Tom from Evergrey doesn't consider it more than a one-time thing for him (he recorded all his vocals in a single day and mailed them in), so I'm not sure how much of a "real" band they will be.

I can wait for the promo I think. So much other stuff to get through...so few hours. Who the hell decided that we can only have 24 hours in a day!? :(
NAD said:
Metallica - St. Anger (hey, you never know)
Type O Negative - (forgot the title)
Opeth - Damnation
Ulver - their numerous releases
Dissection - ??? (probably not until next year anyhow)
Well, I'm not going to bother with St. Anger.
TON comes out tomorrow, I haven't decided if I want to hunt down the 2CD expensive as hell European version or just get the US release.
Damnation is good, but I haven't listened to it since the first week it came out, so I guess I wasn't blown away by it.
Ulver - have heard one track off the Quick Fix EP, sounds awesome, release pushed back to August though.
Dissection - who knows?
The new Radiohead, Hail to the Thief, is very very cool. Not quite back to the days of yesteryear (although Yorke stated that he thought of it as OK Computer 2), but it's a good return to form from the side step that was Kid A etc.
NAD said:
Kid A rules!!! :)

You gotta know that I was OK Computer and The Bends obsessed. I bought all the music books and learned everything I could. So when Kid A came out, I was distraught!

Now I've come to terms with it. It's weird, but it was the movie Vanilla Sky that made me go back to it. I'm a total convert to Everything in it's Right Place and How to Disappear Completey.

Have you got Hail to the Thief yet? Have you seen the video to There There (filmed in stop motion)? These guys are pure genius.