Looking for a 5150/6505 in the UK...

Sure you dont want a dual rec ;)?
the fact im selling one has NOTHING to do with this... honest.
guitarist in my band is moving down to brighton, i could talk to him about how much he wants for his 6505, it's in mint condition, couple of years old and he'll be looking to sell to get a combo, it wont be till late summer though?

p.s cant wait for the surfaces album, when is it dropping?
greyskull: Dude, if I had that much money I would be fucking on that! Good luck with the sale though dude!

departed: That would be fucking sweet man... I probably won't have enough money again until around that time anyway. And that's awesome dude :D I'm not 100% sure on the album front though, we've nearly finished writing but we're just in the process of finding a new vocalist, so we're putting a bit of a hold on things until we find someone perfect... I'll post some song up here when we've got them sorted though bro! :)