Looking for a good bass to learn on...


Blast beats and the truth
Mar 8, 2004
Frederick, Maryland
I want to get a bass, but I'm pretty much completely clueless as to what the best ones are and how much they cost. Can anyone recommend me a good bass and tell me how much I'd be looking to pay for it?
yamaha. my first base was an rbx260. the newer version is a bit better but still the same price. its way better than a squier p-bass
get a fernandes jazz bass.

they are really good, and if you decide you want a better sound, all you have to do is buy some jazz bass replacement pick ups and get em put in, fernandes are really good/cheap basses.
Niklas: sorry, but I haven't played any guitar I liked better than my BC Rich NJ Warlock so far...... no Jackson, ESP, Ibanez, ......................... (at least nothing in my price-range)
Try the Ibanez ICB200 Iceman for $400. It looks metal and plays really nice. Check into it's ratings at musiciansfriend.com. If you like what you see and read, try to find one near you at a local shoppe to give it a go. Sam Ash usually have one in stock. You could probably get any medium to large local shoppe to get one in for you. I personally don't like Fender. I have a really sweet looking and playing Peavey right now. I would not mind owning a Yamaha, Dean, or Warwick. The thing with the BC Rich is the resale value. It just looks too metal, so if later down the road, you decide you don't like it, you have a limited crowd to sell it too. Find something you think sounds good (with very little to no fret buzz), and looks like it could be in the hands of your favorite metal bassist or some redneck in a country band and then it will be well worth it. I don't think that Ibanez Iceman would look good in the hands of a country bassplayer, but when I buy one, I don't ever plan on selling it!
Look into the Essex P-bass copy. $120-130 shipped to your house. Great beginner bass.

Not sure if you can posts links, but I'm sure you'll find it if you do a web search.
I have to agree with whoever suggested Ibanez basses, I have a soundgear that cost me about £200, it was fine while I was beginning, i've recently spent about another £200 upgrading the pickups to seymour duncans and the bridge to a solid brass string-through because I like the way it plays so much. The sound is fine to start off with, but I'm always very picky about having a crystal clear tone so i upgraded.