Looking for a great stereo widener plugin...


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi, as the title says I'm looking for a great stereo widener plugin. Mac & PT compatible. Could you recommand me one please?
Here's one that is is free:

Put your track in your DAW. Duplicate twice (three tracks in total).
Convert the first to mono (route it to a mono bus for ex). Keep it at nominal level. Name it "Mid".

Convert the second in mono as well. Lower the fader to -∞. Invert the phase (polarity) and call it "Side-"

Keep the third in stereo. Lower the fader to -∞. Name it "Side+"

Link Side- and Side+ Faders or route them to a stereo group.

Play the track and slowly raise the Side- & + faders until you're happy with the image.
You can even high pass the sides to keep the lows mono if you want.

It's just a classic Mid Side matrix. There are other, more sophisticated stereo widening methods but it's always cool to know how to do it yourself imo.:cool:
I'm always wary of any studio widener plugin as they seem to cause phase issues that distract more than they help to the mix... Nothing widens as well as careful EQing. That being said, I find that Fabfilter Pro-Q has useful M/S EQing in cases where you need it, and Waves Center can be useful (especially in mastering) if used subtly in a mix that sounds a bit too center-heavy.
TBH I don't plan to use any widener plugin on the mixbuss or for mastering actually. I want something that gives me just a little extra width to my rhythm guitars :)

This one seems to be good... http://www.mathewlane.com/DrMS.html
EDIT: In fact, this one seems to be pretty awesome! With such a tool, I'd defo get better mastered results! What do you think?

Here's one that is is free:

Put your track in your DAW. Duplicate twice (three tracks in total).
Convert the first to mono (route it to a mono bus for ex). Keep it at nominal level. Name it "Mid".

Convert the second in mono as well. Lower the fader to -∞. Invert the phase (polarity) and call it "Side-"

Keep the third in stereo. Lower the fader to -∞. Name it "Side+"

Link Side- and Side+ Faders or route them to a stereo group.

Play the track and slowly raise the Side- & + faders until you're happy with the image.
You can even high pass the sides to keep the lows mono if you want.

It's just a classic Mid Side matrix. There are other, more sophisticated stereo widening methods but it's always cool to know how to do it yourself imo.:cool:

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it!
I used the stereo widener in Ozone on a parallel guitar buss recently. I did some wacky EQ and compression and brought it up with my regular guitars and it gave some really nice width to the tracks. I've tried using different wideners on a normal guitar buss before and I didn't like it much, but in parallel it really seems to fit.

Here's the track I used that trick on. It was for a mix competition. I lost.

Here's a free widener from Brainworx! The adjustments seem a coarse, but one notch to the right will do the trick.
Here's one that is is free:

Put your track in your DAW. Duplicate twice (three tracks in total).
Convert the first to mono (route it to a mono bus for ex). Keep it at nominal level. Name it "Mid".

Convert the second in mono as well. Lower the fader to -∞. Invert the phase (polarity) and call it "Side-"

Keep the third in stereo. Lower the fader to -∞. Name it "Side+"

Link Side- and Side+ Faders or route them to a stereo group.

Play the track and slowly raise the Side- & + faders until you're happy with the image.
You can even high pass the sides to keep the lows mono if you want.

It's just a classic Mid Side matrix. There are other, more sophisticated stereo widening methods but it's always cool to know how to do it yourself imo.:cool:
+1 on this one, I think it's the safest stereo enhancement technique - and even for mastering applications.

It can be done easier with this (mono maker and stereo width knobs on the left) with useful added features and meters, especially the correlation one :


Talking about Brainworx, I remember they did a "dedicated for guitars" version too, maybe it will be better for what you want to do (never tried this one) :

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Waves S1 does the trick when used in extreme moderation, when pushed at all it sounds like shit.
Thanks to you all for your inputs! Nice stuff! Will try the Flux plugin as it is free and I will see if it does the trick for me. The DrMS I mentionned above is really great but seems also a too much complicated for my current skills to be perfectly honest plus spending 120e for an "extra tool" as I call it is a bit excessive :) The BX shredspread looks great indeed. Gonna demo it tomorrow...

EDI - quick tests with DrMS. I tried it just a few minutes at the end of the day but it gives an idea I guess. Applied a subtle width to the rhythm guitar buss and at the end of the chain for mastering (before VTM and FGX)
I very rarely stereo widen things, but when I do, I use Ozone 5's Stereo Imager, which is essentially just a multiband Side level control. So, Burny's explanation of the M/S matrix is really your best bet, and will cost you nothing.