Looking for a laptop

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a basic laptop mainly for recording and internet, so I'm not looking for something really powerful, I'll still use my desktop for mixing and composing and etc...So something with just 2gb ram and Core 2 duo would certainly be enough. I'm just sick of having to move my desktop around when I'm not recording at my studio.

Would 500$ be enough? And what would you recommend me?

How liberally will you be using the internet? The only reason I'm asking is because if you're going to be watching porn on it, I would recommend a mac to avoid complications. But that would most definitely be above your price range. But if you're just using it to view this website and record simple tracks, I'm sure there are dells with those specs and within your price range.
Nah I'll keep using my desktop for porn, so a PC would be fine. Are Dell laptops reliable? I don't need a really powerful laptop but I really need it to be reliable (I don't want it to crash during a session).
Are Dell laptops reliable? I don't need a really powerful laptop but I really need it to be reliable (I don't want it to crash during a session).

"Reliable" is the biggest problem with PC laptops for audio work, as no manufacturers are putting decent firewire chipsets in (if their including it at all), and just going with the cheapest shit that can be found on the day.

I was in this same position about a month ago, I needed a decent laptop for Audio, Coding and Internet, with Reliability as the top priority.
My research turned up that even the top-of-the-line HPs were not delivering good performance for audio work, with users reporting un-usably high DPC latency and clicks/pops in the audio stream with both USB and Firewire interfaces.

I ended up with a 2nd-hand Macbook (Core2Duo, about 3 years old, paid £300) and I couldn't be happier.
I'm a long way from being an Apple Fanboy personally, but I honestly think that short of going for a custom built machine from an audio specialist, the Macbook is the only legitimate option for an audio laptop these days. Just because the usual PC manufacturers are cutting corners so severely.
"Reliable" is the biggest problem with PC laptops for audio work, as no manufacturers are putting decent firewire chipsets in (if their including it at all), and just going with the cheapest shit that can be found on the day.

I was in this same position about a month ago, I needed a decent laptop for Audio, Coding and Internet, with Reliability as the top priority.
My research turned up that even the top-of-the-line HPs were not delivering good performance for audio work, with users reporting un-usably high DPC latency and clicks/pops in the audio stream with both USB and Firewire interfaces.

I ended up with a 2nd-hand Macbook (Core2Duo, about 3 years old, paid £300) and I couldn't be happier.
I'm a long way from being an Apple Fanboy personally, but I honestly think that short of going for a custom built machine from an audio specialist, the Macbook is the only legitimate option for an audio laptop these days. Just because the usual PC manufacturers are cutting corners so severely.

I'm looking for used macbook on a classified websites and I found a couple interesting ones...I think I'll go with a Mac Book too..I found this one which ould be really interesting : http://montreal.kijiji.ca/c-acheter...3-2-26-GHz-Great-condition-W0QQAdIdZ268822141 ...But I'll only have the money in 2 weeks.
I was in the same boat as well about 6 months ago.

The biggest problem I had with the cheaper laptops of today is that the screen resolution sucks so damn bad. Even with a 17" screen most will only do 1366x768, which is 720p. Great for watching movies, not much else. I would even say barely passable for even the internet.

Pro Tools and Cubase were nearly unusable with even just the transport bar taking up 1/3 of the screen.

So it would be fine for maybe a few tracks at a time, but definitely not for location multi-channel recordings. However with an external monitor, it is much better.

But my 15" old ass centrino dell will do 1600x1200... F'n pissed. It just doesn't have the juice.

The other problems of course were with hard drive speeds and Firewire chipsets. So cheaper ones often don't have an express card, and if they do have firewire, it is pretty shitty.

So unfortunately I ended up dropping some cash for the screen res. But now in practice by the time I hook up the interface, external mouse, external HD, external number pad, iLok, Steinberg Key, USB Hub, etc... hell I might as well move a desktop. My laptop looks like a spider with all the shit hooked up.

So your YMMV. But just keep in mind that while they are powerful enough, you have to consider other aspects of how you want to use it.