Looking for a new game to buy

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
for Xbox. I want an adverturey type of game. Most of my games are sports or first person shooters. I want something that will take me places. A platform game.

I am thinking maybe Prince of Persia: The sands of Time, oR Sonic Heroes.

Anyone played either of these>?
Why don't you spend the money on a mod chip and a 120 Gb hard disk
then you can hire games from blockbuster and copy them onto your hard disk at will
Spruce Goose said:
for Xbox. I want an adverturey type of game. Most of my games are sports or first person shooters.
Thats the XBOX for ya. :zombie:

Spruce Goose said:
I want something that will take me places. A platform game.
My first piece of advice would be to buy a Gamecube, but you already knew that. :p
My second piece of advice would be to look out for 'Fable' when it is released.

Spruce Goose said:
I am thinking maybe Prince of Persia: The sands of Time
That is one of the next games on my list for when I finish what I am playing now. Another on my list is 'Beyond Good And Evil' (multiplatform title) which might interest you, I have heard good things about it. Also, it retails at $49 (because it sold poorly overseas), which is good for a new release.
Cool :headbang:

Well yesterday when I was driving home from work I saw the MMM black thunder thingey at the side of the road. I went over and he gave me A BOTTLE OF COKE :headbang:

It was so awesome. The taste of that sucker trickling down my throat.... words cannot explain.

Oh, and he also gave me the latest XBOX magazine that has a demo disc on it. One of the demos was 5 levels of Prince of Persia, and I gotta tell ya, it is fuckin unreal. The graphics and fluid motions are first class. I think I will be picking up this one on the weekend.

Blitzanegger.... I too have heard good things about this Beyond Good and Evil, so if it is only $50 here, I might pick that one up too. There is also a new game called Ninja Gaiden which looks pretty cool.

I dunno about FABLE. I am not a huge fan of RPG's. The only one I have is Knights of the old Republic. I liked it, but it did lose my interest after a few hours. If it wasnt a Star Wars game, I probably wouldnt have played it for long at all. Too much reading and shit
Spruce Goose said:
The only one I have is Knights of the old Republic. I liked it, but it did lose my interest after a few hours. If it wasnt a Star Wars game, I probably wouldnt have played it for long at all. Too much reading and shit

Knights of the old republic is so shit, you don't even get to kill anything yourself, the lame combat system does it for you.

I like how you can stand next to your enemy, and mis them completely with your laser.

Price of Persia is to much jumping, I hate jumping puzzles.
It is set in a gay club for ninja's called "The Ninja Gay Den", the point of the game, is to kill everyone and leave the club with your anus still in tact.