Looking for a new interface, upgrading from an Edirol UA-25


Aug 13, 2008
I've had my trusty UA-25 for awhile now but am getting frustrated with its limitations.. I'm swapping cables and cords, tweaking sensitivities all the time depending on how I am recording. I want to get an interface with a lot more inputs and more importantly, a lot more outputs, so that reamping isn't such a pain in the ass.

I've been spoiled by the Edirol though - its awesome bang for your buck, has been totally rock solid the whole time I've owned it, is compatible with every DAW I've tried, and basically never fucks up which apparently is unusual in this price bracket. The MIDI output and input are also great features. Really, it is an awesome unit, and I want to try and find something that is just as good.

Having a hard time finding something though.. I hear no end of bad things about Presonus and M-Audio. Who else is there to consider?

I'd prefer something cheaper than a Fireface 400. Anyone used the Steinberg interface that integrates with Cubase? It sounds like an awesome unit with great performance for your dollar..
just spotted a bunch of nicer Edirol firewire interfaces. any used the FA-66 or FA-101?
Well if you can get the dosh, RME are the best option in the midrange. Rock-solid drivers, great support, and fairly average-to-good sound quality. That would be my option. If you don't need a preamp intergrated, I would shoot for the Multiface, as you get 8 analogue I/O and a bunch of digital expansion options.

Below that I think Presonus may be your best bet. The lower MOTU stuff has horrid sound quality from what I hear, and you're not really left with much else, save M-audio interfaces.
I had the FA-101 for a while but promptly returned it... It does not have a master volume knob. Pretty huge shortcoming in my opinion.

I always mix with headphones and it looks like it still has a headphone level control. Was the master volume the only problem you had with it?