Looking for a session drummer (album recording)


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I will be producing and mixing the 10-12 track album of a new band around April/May 2015. It's actually a side project of a friend of mine and the guy wanted me to program the drums. I finally convinced him to hire a drummer. We'll see if we can find someone...

So! The music is a mix of Devin Townsend and Soilwork kind of stuff I'd say. Pretty melodic, usually mid tempo oriented. We're looking for a good drummer being able to write some good parts - mid tempo as well as blast beats occasionally. Being able to provide great quality acoustic recording and properly edited tracks - mix ready tracks actually.

I don't know yet the exact budget the band has for that but I think it's not huge. Feel free to contact me if you're interested. Please write to: slabsoundstudio (at) gmail (dot) com - and include info such as your rates, your recording capacity (conditions, gear...) and your availability (February 2015 would be pretty ideal I think). Some clips of your work would also be very welcome and any other info you consider necessary.

Don't hesitate to ask for more info if needed. Of course, I can send back some demos the guy has recorded.

Depending on my schedule for January i may be able to have a go.
Got a full recording setup here, 32 channel, great mics and kit.
Here's some recent stuff i've done. It's intentionally a bit sloppy due to it being sludge/doom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6PLi3jussc
and in my sig is a tighter melodic death metal example.
Maybe just posting a demo on here might get you some more potential interest, and/or people they might know, depending on the skill level needed.
Tama Starclassic birch/bubinga drums, Tama Starphonic Maple Snare 14x6, Zildjian cymbals, excellent drum microphones (Shure, AKG, Audix, Electrovoice), discounts available. PM if you interested.

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