Hello everybody. I'm not sure how many of you out there use soundfonts but to those that do, I am looking for a string ensamble type one. I've looked around and downloaded quite a few from http://hammersound.net but I haven't found what I'm looking for.
I assume that some of you have heard of or have heard King Crimson. That said, I'm looking for a soundfont that sounds similar to the strings found in In the Wake of Poseidon and Starless just to name a couple. If anyone knows where I could get one or if anyone has one, please let me know.
to whoever helps me out.
I assume that some of you have heard of or have heard King Crimson. That said, I'm looking for a soundfont that sounds similar to the strings found in In the Wake of Poseidon and Starless just to name a couple. If anyone knows where I could get one or if anyone has one, please let me know.