Looking for some well-produced death metal.

So everything that has growls is death metal any anything that has clean vocals is not?

Yeah, that's exactly what I said... Just like how anything with electric guitar is death metal and anything with clean guitar is flamenco :Smug:

What I was getting at was that "death metal" requires "death vocals" to be "death metal".
Capharnaum are probably the closest thing that comes to mind as having some songs with vocals on the cleaner side of thrash while still being distinctly 'death metal'. I wouldn't consider Control Denied to be death metal but then again I wouldn't consider Death to be either but many do and either way Control Denied are a mad band with the odd death metal tendency and clean vocals so perhaps that'll be what you're looking for. The thing is once you change the vocals from growls you're changing one of the core things which make death metal what it is and you're stepping into crossover territory (see: melodic death, death/doom etc). I imagine you're already well versed in the likes of Amorphis and Dark Tranquility and clearly their material stops being anything close to death metal in the songs where the vocals are dropped back.

Perhaps the best way to explain how futile proper death metal with clean vocals would sound is the reverse: death metal with clean instrumentation (see: ).
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Contol Denied is possibly a good example of what I am looking for but still leaning more towards the musical style of death metal, Capharnaum have too many "core" elements(mainly vocally) to it for what I am looking for, that said I do like what they did and were 10,000 times better than Trivium. What I had in mind was the death part of Opeth with clean vocals...I guess there is not much out there. Amorphis and DT are not what I am looking for, I do like both bands earlier material but not for this instance, you are definatly right in regards to death/doom like later Katatonia etc

btw that video was horrible and the opposite of what I am getting at.
Would Strapping Young Lad and Fear Factory count? Again not really what I'd consider death metal as such but, again, it's not death without growls anyway.
No Nevermore, SYL or FF. None are death metal. Nevermore are closer to power or prog metal, SYL is well SYL and Fear Factory were Industrial/Death Metal then Nu-Metal.

Think more along the lines of Opeth - Deliverance with clean vocals.
Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds.

one of the cleanest sounding death metal albums I've ever heard.

Living gateway is epic as fuck. :kickass: