Looking for band/musicians interested in a melodic death metal/metalcore

Dec 6, 2014
Basically I started practicing scream vocals a week or two ago and I want to see if anyone would be interested in making some original music and such. I think it'd be very cool to try my hand at it. I've been out of the loop with music for a bit and am hoping to get something started. Here's a clip of something I did a day ago. Still working on my pronunciation and technique though
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lguzwqy4arvjqgw/Monster in Me Vocal cover clip.mp3?dl=0

So if this appeals to you, email me at acastellonlazo@gmail.com
I have decent gear to record vocals (Blue Bluebird Condenser, SM57, Scarlett 18i8)

Thanks and have a great day.