Looking For Musicians For Brutal Death Band In California


Ravenous Dead
Jun 4, 2002
Salinas, California
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I'm in Salinas, California...near Monterey, about an hour south of San Jose.

Guitarist/Bassist/Vocalist...looking to start a brutal death metal band, with elements of grind and epic/power metal. I'd like to play guitar and possibly also sing. I'm looking for a drummer and another guitarist or bassist who can also do vocals.

I want to go for somewhat of an original sound, just jam and see what we can come up with...however, my personal metal influences include:

Vomitory, Impaled, Carcass, Napalm Death, Dark Tranquility, At The Gates, Iron Maiden, Dark Funeral, Benümb, Exhumed, Gorguts, Morbid Angel, Witchery, Nasum, Obituary, Page 99, Pig Destroyer, Phobia, The Haunted, Vulgar Pigeons.

I play a 5150 II full stack with some rack equipment, with an Ibanez RG series with EMG's. Working on getting some new stuff right now also.

If anyone is interested respond here or email me at coreyyoung86@hotmail.com
