Looking for Chicago -area Peeps..Check-In


May 1, 2007
Hey guys..just recently re-located back home to CHICAGO from Las Vegas,,
Looking to see who on here are Chicago-area Sneap-Peeps...
^ Yes, but a lot of them were taken out because they were found to cause more accidents. (people slamming on the brakes the instant the light turns yellow instead of riding through like a normal person)
I hate those goddamn things, don't even get me started. Chicago doesn't seem too bothered by the fact that they cause more accidents -- they even made the yellow lights shorter so that they can 'catch' more people in the act.

Also: i don't know what you guys are all doing tonight, but my band (Trials) is playing over at Double Door. Check it out if you're looking for something to do.
Ya those red-light cams are lame as is the parking in the city w the meters and the receipt BS
As a former buddy of this guy I can tell you BE FUCKING CAREFUL!!!

He likes to look at penis photos, and play with animals in strange ways. I left him in my house of r 10 minutes and now my cat's asshole whistles when the wind blows..... ;)

In all seriousness, PETE is a KILLER guitar player and a great guy!
As a former buddy of this guy I can tell you BE FUCKING CAREFUL!!!

He likes to look at penis photos, and play with animals in strange ways. I left him in my house of r 10 minutes and now my cat's asshole whistles when the wind blows..... ;) In all seriousness..the cat meowed "No" but here eyes said "yes"

In all seriousness, PETE is a KILLER guitar player and a great guy!
Gimme a call Jason U jerkoff............... I will be out in LV soon ..