Looking for feedback on song mix, A tuned 7 string slingin


Aug 13, 2008
First tune I've posted on here in THREE YEARS maaaaan


Axe FX FAS Modern on guitars & bass
Jackson COW 7 string w/blackout pickup
Cheapy LTD 5 string forest bass with ESP active pickups
Superior 2 drums w/one cymbal from Metal Foundry

mostly just cubase built in plugs with Ozone 3 to master. master is probably way too loud.
wow, sounds great. As soon as it started I felt like the guy in the 1980's Maxon commercial in the chair...Had to turn it down..So yea I guess Master is too loud. But hey its a metal song!!!! Turn that shit up.

IMO it was near perfect. I dont know how to mix but I have great musical ears. For one quick listen the only thing I thought that was off were the cymbals. Just too loud in the mix, maybe pan the hi hat a little better.

Other than that sounded very professional
thanks for the feedback & kind words man. and also the 80s maxon commercial comparison.. this is the first thing that popped into my head

just updated the song, dropped the cymbals further into the background. hi-hat panned closer to center. master made ever so slightly quieter
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