Looking for feedback


New Metal Member
Jul 2, 2013
Jersey City. NJ
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and wanted to take the time to post some snippets of my work. I am looking for feedback on the recording quality since I really never have anyone to discuss these things with. Does it sound good? What can I do different to make it sound more professional? All these tracks are just guitar and drums...thanks in advance!

I think the guitars sound really good. Drums are a little muffled. I like to do heavy scooping of the low mid and mid frequencies on the bass drum, and boost the highs a little in the 4k to 5k range, which will help it to cut through the mix clearly. If you have any kind of stereo imager plugin, that can do great things on the overhead tracks by widening the stereo range, giving it more of a 3 dimensional sound. If it was my mix, I would also boost the snare level a good bit, and put some compression on the full kit to tighten the sound and pull the drum tracks together.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I am relatively new to mixing drums so your suggestions are really helpful, I mostly tried to compare the drums with other legit recordings that use similar software drums and tried to make it cut through as much. I do have a stereo imaging plugin that I will try out, expanding the stereo is something I'm currently trying to get better at.