Looking for guitarist for my project!

Jan 4, 2004
hey dudes,
I am looking for an excellent guitar player for my upcoming melodic death project. It is going to be professionally recorded (by a very well known guitarist and producer). I want to do an album in the vein of Soilwork/disarmonia mundi/In Flames/Children of Bodom. I need a guitar play who can play very tightly, and most importanly, can write catchy and extreamly melodic death metal songs!!! IF you are unknown, this is your chance to get your name out there! Please write me at jonah4metal@hotmail.com or jonah@pyramaze.com
It's instance's like these where I wish I could A) Play tightly and B) write catchy and extremely melodic death metal.

I'm insterested to hear it if you ever get something going tho man. Oh yeah, cheers to lilitu as well ;).
That is cool! I would love to do that!

...if I wasn't in college and didn't run and wasn't swamped with work. And had those guitar skills. :) But as well, I am very interested in what you come up with!

If S_D still posted, I'd say go for him.
Yeah, I would love to offer my services if I had them as well, but... nope. But I will say, since you haven't posted here since I picked up Melancholy Beast, that it's pretty friggin sweet.
You're all over the place dude. I just saw that your shiz came out with that Avian goodness, which sounds pretty cool from the full song.