Looking for help. Thrashy, progressive content w/ 5150 III


Jan 22, 2009
Hey dudes,

I've been going back through some old stuff I recorded and stumbled across this tune that my band recorded a while back (we don't use it now - too thrashy and standard metal sort of vibe) but I thought it would be good enough for my website with a fresh mix and some vocals. We never tracked vocals to it so I'm looking for someone to lay something down. I've got something sorted for the heavier thrashy riff - I'm looking for someone to do something over the chorus (looking for clean vocals).

Here's a rough mix:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1041607/ARBITER NO VOX.mp3

Get in touch if you fancy it!

PS - Does anybody remember who sang on the guitar tone competition?
Also, totally up for mix critique/opinions... Its only at a very early stage at the moment, lots of automation and tightening up needed.
I didn't use verb on the snare, just waaaay too much parallel compression :lol: Its definitely a bit too "stadium" for this style :devil:. Cymbals are too low, agreed. Those are actually the two things I had written down for when I do the mix with vox. Cheers for checking it out.
Really nice riffage you've got there! Snare could use some snap 'though.

Do you have some lyrics ready for this song? I might have some time to spare this week and would like to give it a go.
Really nice riffage you've got there! Snare could use some snap 'though.

Do you have some lyrics ready for this song? I might have some time to spare this week and would like to give it a go.

Hey dude - I was going for something with a heap more mids rather than snappiness with this snare (hence the shitload of parallel compression) although its still not quite there for me yet. No lyrics so feel free to use anything you might have. Keep me updated!
I agree about the snare, it sounds very distant. Guitars and bass sound killer, they sit really well, what processing did you use on the bass?

You could ask Crillemannen, he's supposedly very good at singing. :rolleyes:
I agree about the snare, it sounds very distant. Guitars and bass sound killer, they sit really well, what processing did you use on the bass?

You could ask Crillemannen, he's supposedly very good at singing. :rolleyes:

Just digirack EQ, massey CT4 compressor, Eleven and Sans Amp PSA plug. 3 separate tracks bussed together with Smack on the bass bus in opto mode. Snare is way too loud, might have a quick re-trigger with something that has loads of midrange so I don't need to use as much parallel compression.

Guitars are 5150III... low and high passed at 110 and 9k (tried something a bit different - usually do 80 and 11/12), mids dipped a touch with digirack EQ and then a very slight treble boost with the Massey EQ. Smack in opto mode on the bus doing 1/2 dB gain reduction

I'll drop him a PM - thanks a lot!
I don't think I would be a great singer so I'm not even trying :D But I must say the song really rocks. You shouldn't underestimate its quality, I'm listening to this 1000 times a day.. I completely love the chorus and the ending solo. Pure sound, great melodies and soft guitar tone. I love the melancholy here.
I don't think I would be a great singer so I'm not even trying :D But I must say the song really rocks. You shouldn't underestimate its quality, I'm listening to this 1000 times a day.. I completely love the chorus and the ending solo. Pure sound, great melodies and soft guitar tone. I love the melancholy here.

Thanks a lot. I'll send you the full song if you like it that much... PM me your email address. Hopefully with vocals it will sound a lot better! :Smokedev:
Really nice song man!!! Got a nice vibe to it. Perhaps a little less drum fills on the chorus?? + the things that i wrote in the PM

Definitely, our stuff now is way more proggy/sludgy, we use 2 of these riffs and the chords are slightly different anyway. Our drummer used to love his double kick stuff and he wasn't shy of a fill or two. He really is a good drummer though.

Stuff in your PM I agree on. Snare is just insanely loud, I was mixing into a limiter too hard I think... when I used Ozone it ended up preserving the snare a lot more... I'm going to retrigger anyway, its isn't dynamic enough for me. Just looking for choruses please. If you compress going in, keep it super light. Maybe a 3rd up/down over the whole thing would be cool. I'll leave it in your capable hands though!