Looking for musicians to collaborate with (Deathcore/Death Metal)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey dudes, seeing as how I'm in college now I don't have time to be in a band so I thought of maybe seeing if some people want to do an online band ex. Slice The Cake. The more the merrier. I can only play guitar right now because I don't have a proper setup for vocals but here are a few riffs i've wrote in the past few days

https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/Deathcore Songs/New mix.mp3?w=e9a365be

https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/Deathcore Songs/ascension mix.mp3?w=d89c4d1d

(older song)
https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/Deathcore Songs/On The Shoulders Of Giants.mp3?w=111606b3

Production of these is nothing to write home about seeing as how they were just rough to get the point of the song across. I'm not exactly sure what works better as far as skyping with eachother or just bouncing emails back and forth. Post in this thread if your interested.
