Looking for name of instrumental sludge metal band


New Metal Member
Jan 11, 2013
Hi, several months ago i saw an ad on facebook by a band who played who instrumental sludge metal band. I really liked them, but i forgot their name and can't find them on the net anymore. I'm pretty sure they're from the US. The ad said they sounded like mastodon, black tusk,... And the link brought u to a page where u could listen to their EP, and buy it for whatever amount of money you would like to spend on it. The only thing i remember is their,cover, which had a giant ugly bird on it, a combination of john blaizley's art and japanese art i'd say. Most prominent colors were red and blue. If someone know which band i'm talking about, please reply, i'll be very grateful!
ok nevermind, for some reason the word 'beak' came into my head, and then i found out the band is called Serious Beak. Check them out!