Looking for Opinions on first time Revalver tone


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Hey guys, I have been using Line6+impulses for a while, and Im working on recording my album and I decided to give Revalver a whirl.

Updated: with Inner 75% guitars being the JSX ultra channel and outer LR guitars still green channel 6505+, Sneap Kick, synth


I'm also kind of in a bind, and wondering your advice on the subject:

Alot of the songs I write sometimes in parts of the song have two riffs going on at once, one is more of the "melody" riff. This is the case in the clip I posted above.

My problem Lies in that these kind of riffs do not sound right to me if I pan one riff hard left and the other riff hard right.

The only way I can get the panning results that I like is to quad track my riffs (riff#1 hard L and R, riff #2 75L 75R)

I love the possibilities I can get with quad tracking, but I hate the sloppiness of it, especially like on 16th note gallops and stuff

I was wondering if any of you have had the same problem

Oh also if anyone was wondering, 6505+, 2 tracks with green channel, two tracks with red channel. ThisOne Impulse
I was thinking maybe less mids would help it a bit to be less djenty (Never thought I would say that lol)

And Dandelium, actually the 100% left and right tracks on the green channel were your settings with the bass box in front of it. The inner 75% left and right tracks were the red channel with gain on 7.5, bass on 5, mids on 7 and treble on 6. Presence and Resonance on 10. No boost or anything was in front of the red channel. HP/LP filter on guitars.

Used a little PSP Vintage warmer on the master bus and a very little L2
Cool dude, I dig it, though the kick is way too boomy IMO, I'd recommend taming at around 150-250 Hz (might be the bass conflicting as well)
Yea I have drumagog, I'll try that.

And I decided I'm going to man it up and quad track all my songs like this. Almost all of them have at least one part with a center melody like that and I figure since It's my own songs and I'm not paying for recording time I might as well just go for it and not settle for anything less than perfect playing.

By the way did you catch soilwork/darkane in Rochester? Good show
DUUUUDDDEEE, I wanted to so badly for Daylight Dies, but all my friends are going to the one in Poughkeepsie, so I'll be catching that Friday the 13th! (also Pough-town is a lot closer to Oneonta than Rochester is anyway) - DD will be off the tour by then, though :(
Oh dude, I noticed on your myspace, you have TYREEK JACKSON on your top friends. Small world.

He used to play in my old band when he lived in Rochester, the guy rips on bass. I Wish he could play on my recordings now haha
YES, jesus is Tyreek the fucking man - I went to high school in Westchester with him, and we played a lot together (including a cover of In Flames' "Resin" at our talent show, and this was a Catholic HS, so you can imagine how well that went over :D), and he's apparently tearing it up over at Berklee; definitely the most talented musician in my age group that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing! (he's a bassist primarily, yet still destroys me on guitar too :erk: ) Do you live in Rochester man, or just go to school there?
YES, jesus is Tyreek the fucking man - I went to high school in Westchester with him, and we played a lot together (including a cover of In Flames' "Resin" at our talent show, and this was a Catholic HS, so you can imagine how well that went over :D), and he's apparently tearing it up over at Berklee; definitely the most talented musician in my age group that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing! (he's a bassist primarily, yet still destroys me on guitar too :erk: ) Do you live in Rochester man, or just go to school there?

I live in Rochester, and I go to school for Music Business at SUNY Fredonia.

and ahaha about Tyreek on guitar. I remember when he joined our band and came to our first practice we were just amazed about how good on bass he was and then he was like "oh let me see your guitar" and just started to like shred like no other and we were all just jaw dropped in awe, hes so modest like "Man I'm rusty, I prefer bass though" haha.

Probably the nicest and most talented musician I know.

Me and Tyreek Muthafukin Jackson:

But yeah, Also I updated the clip with quieter synths and I also messed around for the first time playing with Drumagog, I did a 75% blend of the Sneap Sample with the addictive drum kick. And I think its sounding better already. Thanks for the advice, let me know your opinions

No doubt man, can't listen now but I will when I get home! Awesome pic, and yeah, he's without a doubt the most modest dude I know :lol:
Kick sounds better, but honestly I'd just completely ditch the AD kick. The keys are better, but something about either the patch or the notes isn't doing it for me; that's the thing I hate about synths, IMO the tone/patch can really determine whether I like certain notes in a section, and here I feel the patch is too, I dunno, muffled and dense sounding for these held chords that you have. Trying a more "open" patch would be my first suggestion, and then seeing how the chords feel. Keep up the good work dude!