Looking for opinions on this guitar tone

Wall of sound there mate, sounds great. A tad bit wooly, but other than that, it sits quite well with my ears, well done.

Ah cheers mate. I think a touch of lo-fi might help (noticed you do that on your guitars as well) with that wooliness. Maybe a tiny dip around 200 and 500 as well but I'm worried its already on the verge of too scooped.
Yeah, I dig the lo-fi plug, it makes the sound more, dare I say "analogue". It gives the guitars some extra girth whilst taking some of the high end rubbish away, in a pleasing musical manner.
Im digging your mids. I think the more you scoop, the more "wooliness" is accentuated. A bit of the yin and yang thing going on. Any Maxon or Tube Screamer going on in the reamp department? I sometimes get a bit "wooly" when I have the drive higher than 8 oclock on my Maxon.
Yeah, I dig the lo-fi plug, it makes the sound more, dare I say "analogue". It gives the guitars some extra girth whilst taking some of the high end rubbish away, in a pleasing musical manner.
Im digging your mids. I think the more you scoop, the more "wooliness" is accentuated. A bit of the yin and yang thing going on. Any Maxon or Tube Screamer going on in the reamp department? I sometimes get a bit "wooly" when I have the drive higher than 8 oclock on my Maxon.

Yeh using a TS9 with the drive at 9 o'clock. The tone is at about 1 o'clock - I like the squelchy thing it does to the upper mids when the tone is up. I might try bringing the drive all the way down then. Cheers man!
^ Cool, cheers mate! Will do. I'll post the full song when its all done.

Would be great to get a few more opinions before I crack on with reamping the rest of the songs with this tone tomorrow...