Looking for roommate


Alex from Canada
Sep 3, 2003
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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I remember Glenn mentioning something about cracking down on threads, but I can't remember if it was non-music or non-PP. I'll hope for the latter, and sorry if it wasn't.

I'm the fairly normal, outgoing, rather handsome man on the left, you might recognize me from the last 3 progpowers. I'm looking for somebody to share a room with at the Residence, Hampton, wherever. Anyone looking to split the cost of a room? Or, if there a few people, let's book a big suite and have a party...
Looking for Roommate: I'll be bringing Electrical Tape, A shovel, Lime. You know, the usual types of things "roommates" bring. :)
Megawozniak, if the other offer(s) fall through, contact me. I have a 2-BR suite at the Residence* that isn't too crowded. Yet, anyway. :)

* barring weather-related weirdness, anyway
woosta said:
Looking for Roommate: I'll be bringing Electrical Tape, A shovel, Lime. You know, the usual types of things "roommates" bring. :)

I fell out laughing when I read this post! Too funny!