Looking for these old school metal demos...


Oct 17, 2002
Fitchburg, MA
I wanted to see if there are people on this board that are willing to help out a underground demo maniac like myself who is seeking to add to his collection of traditional/power/speed/thrash/ doom/progressive metal demos. If you could let me know what you may have and email me at SnakePitMagazine@aol.com or post your items here...that would be cool. These are some of the bands that I am looking for, where they are from and what the style is:

Academy Black- Texas speed metal
Acridity- Texas thrash
Atrosity- Maryland thrash
Beyond Reason- New York power/progressive
Caligula- New York speed/thrash
Cardinal Sin- New Hampshire thrash
Cruella- Washington traditional metal
Cypruss- New Jersey power metal
Damnability- New Jersey thrash
Dmanage- Georgia power/thrash
Dark Reign- Texas thrash
Demize- New Jersey thrash
Dread- Texas thrash
Dreemwitch- Kansas progressive
Execution- Arizona speed
Genghis Khan- New Jersey thrash
Ghost Story- Georgia thrash
Hate- California thrash
H.A.V.O.C.- Ohio thrash
Hellhound- California thrash
Hidden Menace- Illinois traditional metal
Impact- Wisconsin speed
Knightriot- California traditional
Laughing Dead- California thrash
Legion- New York traditional/power
Maniac Kill- Arizona thrash/doom
Masada- Illinois speed
Midian- new York progressive thrash
Mystik- Ohio thrash/power
Nihilist- Georgia thrash
Resistance- California progressive/power
Sacred Death- New York power
Severe Warning- Ohio power/doom
Silent Darkness- Maryland thrash
Sneak Attack- New Jersey thrash
Spectre- California power
The Stand- California thrash
Titanic- California power/thrash
Unprovoked- California thrash
Vice- New York traditional/power
Warfare D.C.- California thrash
Waricide- New York progressive/power/thrash

I will list some overseas demos I am looking for too...please let me know what I am missing from my 1980's/early 90's collection.

