Looking For This Band.

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New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2006
Hey All...i need some help ,i've been looking for a song online for a while now,
no idea who it is,i heard it on the radio a while back, and had recorded it on tape ,but i lost the tape, Its a Black/doom or death metal band
i dont remmember the lyrics to good,but a couple of Them "Long Dead Cities"
I Thought That Was The Song Name But i Cant Find It Anywhere
If Anyone At There Can Help Me Out

so you don't know what it's called, who the band is, any substantial part of the song's lyrics, the genre, or anything else?
I tried google, no help, ring up the station if you know bout what time the song was played and what day etc...
black, doom OR death metal


a quick google search would have turned up a bunch of NILE lyrics so it might be NILE from the black seeds of vengeance album

anyway i'm going to lock this because there's no better answer anyone can give you with the amount of info you gave (and if they can they can pm you)
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