Looking for tips and pointers, criticize away!


New Metal Member
Jun 13, 2009
I've been dinking around with recording for some time, but I've self taught myself. So, basically, I don't have correct theories, just some by ear experience and trial and error with flipping switches in hoping to learn what they do. In all honesty I'm looking for people to rip this apart and just tell me how to do it right. I know that the theories I've made up apply to real theory, if only I understood the actual under lying science. So ladies and gentlemen, tell me whats wrong, whats right, where to go from here!

Well I should mention how I got this. This is just a sample, as I can't get myself to record a whole song because I'm not happy with the quality of my recordings. I'm using Reaper, setting up an fx chain that looks like this EMG 81/85 impulse ---> amplitube metal ---> fender champ impulse ---> bbe sonic maximizer. Both guitars are set up this way, but I changed one guitar to more treble, presence, and mids, and one more to bass and bottom end, using amplitube metals amp knobs. The maximizer is on just slightly. Drums are recorded using DFH. And with that, I'm anxious to figure out how to clean it up, make it stand out a bit more. If it makes a difference, I'm using a E-mu 0404 and recording directly in.

https://files.getdropbox.com/u/1335040/dirca new song.mp3
First I'd start by throwing in a gate at the guitars first in the chain to get rid of the hums from the guitars. ReaGate works good, which is included in Reaper, just adjust the threshold to get rid of the hum.
very interesting riffage! i dont hear the snare at all though, but overall the guitar tone aint bad i think u need to just work on ur drum tone. my eears are probably just desensitized to dfh!lol
Thanks for the interest!
I notice when I load dfh into reaper it loads a lot of channels, are those all the individual pieces on the kit? If that is the case, I think I could make a good mix. What can I do to make the snare pop more ?