Looking for Tips on this mix

I dig the guitars. Drums, kick especially seem to be kind of mid heavy. I think maybe a cut around 2k on the kick. I would have gone for a different snare sound too. Something fatter, but what you have isn't bad. Lead is a little fizzy, but I bet you're more likely to get rid of that fizz with a notch or two in the 3k-8k range than with a low pass. Also vocal timing is awkward some places but I know you're asking about the mix.

Overall sounds cool! Heavy. Nice Job.
Cool Story, Bro Time: The vocalist was a friend I had over at the studio, he'd never heard the song but 10 minutes before he sang it and it was a /hadbeendrinking "Dude that song rips!" "Man, I got lyrics to this song but they're cheesy" "Fuck it man I'll do it!" so yea there's some definite "awkward" shit in there haha.

As far as the sounds go, I couldn't agree more, I've got the SSD samples BUT, No replacer (other than SR that's built into pro tools) I'll give your EQ suggestions a try. :D Thanks!