looking for tom editing tips

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
I'm editing drums for a song where the drummer does this tribal beat on the toms for like 5 fucking minutes. It is SO much fun, you guys don't understand! lol Did I mention there is lots of cymbal bleed and I replace drums in the piano roll by hand?

Anyways, I'm not looking for any advice on what methods to use, or how to get a good sound. I need to know how you dudes deal with the annoyance of doing extremely monotonous shit for very little money haha. I've been smoking a shit load of weed and swearing under my breath, and being extremely sarcastic which seems to be working a bit. Am I doing it right?

Maybe I will write a tutorial on how to do monotonous shit for very little pay without being admitted to the loony bin lol. the first part will be called "sarcasm: how to attempt to make it seem like you care when you don't give a fuck"
take up smoking cigs? not the best of advice i must say. weed is your friend OP.

oh and drumagog basic is only 90 USD. probably the best $90 you'll ever spend! and you'll have cash leftover for more of the green :Smokedev:
*enters edge kid*

Or just don't smoke anything! hahaha
Just pace yourself, eat some snacks, have music, TV, ect. playing in the background.
Watch movies/TV shows. In 2010, it took the entire Battlestar Galactica saga to get me through a single album.

This. I inevitably end up watching all of Arrested Development and Spaced at least 4 times a year. Music, tv, or movies will get you through drum editing without losing your mind.
Food is your friend. As someone said above me, fapping is when food fails you. When all else has failed me, I go and have a nice cigar. :devil:
I like all that has been mentioned above, all are great coping methods. ......sigh.... weeeeeed =D

Don't you guys worry that you're going to fuck something up if you're watching/listening to TV shows while editing?

Nope - as long as I'm not watching something that has a lot of music in it (musicals, Disney movies, listening to actual music, etc...) I find that the dialogue doesn't interfere with my ability to hear what I'm doing.

I also spot-check with headphones before consolidating edits, regardless of what I was watching (if anything) while editing.
Watch movies/TV shows. In 2010, it took the entire Battlestar Galactica saga to get me through a single album.

Yeah I'm watching the wire for the 3rd time in a year right now.
Nope - as long as I'm not watching something that has a lot of music in it (musicals, Disney movies, listening to actual music, etc...) I find that the dialogue doesn't interfere with my ability to hear what I'm doing.

I also spot-check with headphones before consolidating edits, regardless of what I was watching (if anything) while editing.

Yeah for me I basically edit with my eyes then take a minute to gather myself, then use headphones to check my edits after the fact.