Joey Sturgis Drums

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if you're really worried about bleed, I've been involved with 2 projects where either I or the producer that was recording my project did 2 separate takes of drumset. if the drummer you're working with is consistent in his parts, then it can work.
It's actually nice working with OHs that have no bleed at all. but only if the drummer is really good.
problem: I am decent but not like perfect. =P however I will take this into consideration when the next band comes in to record with us. Which is in March
in addition. don't take your replacement for granted. get good source sounds. tune up the drums. don't shortcut.
that will help the bleed blend in with the samples more.
in addition. don't take your replacement for granted. get good source sounds. tune up the drums. don't shortcut.
that will help the bleed blend in with the samples more.

Exaclty, when and If I am replacing I will tune the samples accordingly to the drums.

So my samples match how the drums sound and not to make the drums sound like the samples. Did that make sense or was that too confusing?
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