I'm looking for Goregrind that doesn't necessarily contain ridiculously disgusting and gory lyrical content/song titles/artwork.
Now I know what a lot of you will probably be thinking, because I posted an identical request to this in the Metal Archives a while ago and most of the responses I got went something like "lmfao rofl nuclear lol-ocaust @ the n00b who doesnt realise dat da whole reasonz for teh goregrind is that it is grindcore that contains 'gore' lulz" and most people essentially wrote off my request as being redundant.
However I'm also sure a lot of you realise that it is obviously not just the presence of gory themes that defines goregrind. Personally I would say the main thing that differentiates it from regular Grindcore is the use of a pitch-shifter on the vocals, among other things such as the general atmosphere that these bands create and almost exclusive lack of political themes (I get enough of that from regular grind thanks!)
Anyway, I guess the nearest thing I can think of that fits this description would be the music of Negligent Collateral Collapse, specifically the album 'Paranormal Nanodivision'. This is one of my favourite Goregrind albums and it is unusual in that it does not make gratuitous use of disgusting lyrics, song titles and album art (the album seems to be themed on zombies, the cover depicts characters from Doom 3 and it has cool song titles such as 'Anything Could Be Controllable Via Implants' and 'Technology Spells Doom', rather than the usual '[insert grotesque image involving either rape, stillborn babies, murder, torture or a combination of all of these for maximum shock value]')
Another band I like in this vein is Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis, although the song titles and lyrics of these guys probably are disgusting and shamelessly shocking for the sake of it, but it's all good because they're in Spanish and I can't understand them haha).
So that's my request, Goregrind minus the stupid gore shock tactics, because I've been listening to them for ages and I'm just bored of it.
Now I know what a lot of you will probably be thinking, because I posted an identical request to this in the Metal Archives a while ago and most of the responses I got went something like "lmfao rofl nuclear lol-ocaust @ the n00b who doesnt realise dat da whole reasonz for teh goregrind is that it is grindcore that contains 'gore' lulz" and most people essentially wrote off my request as being redundant.
However I'm also sure a lot of you realise that it is obviously not just the presence of gory themes that defines goregrind. Personally I would say the main thing that differentiates it from regular Grindcore is the use of a pitch-shifter on the vocals, among other things such as the general atmosphere that these bands create and almost exclusive lack of political themes (I get enough of that from regular grind thanks!)
Anyway, I guess the nearest thing I can think of that fits this description would be the music of Negligent Collateral Collapse, specifically the album 'Paranormal Nanodivision'. This is one of my favourite Goregrind albums and it is unusual in that it does not make gratuitous use of disgusting lyrics, song titles and album art (the album seems to be themed on zombies, the cover depicts characters from Doom 3 and it has cool song titles such as 'Anything Could Be Controllable Via Implants' and 'Technology Spells Doom', rather than the usual '[insert grotesque image involving either rape, stillborn babies, murder, torture or a combination of all of these for maximum shock value]')
Another band I like in this vein is Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis, although the song titles and lyrics of these guys probably are disgusting and shamelessly shocking for the sake of it, but it's all good because they're in Spanish and I can't understand them haha).
So that's my request, Goregrind minus the stupid gore shock tactics, because I've been listening to them for ages and I'm just bored of it.