V5's Modern Goregrind Compilation

MetalNoob said:
Animals Killing People? prostitute disfigurement? Torsofuck? Grandma?

I'm sorry but yea those names would cause me never to listen to them.

Then you're missing out on a lot of good shit if you write bands off based on their shitty names.
Henrik Main said:
Cool compilation. I was familiar with most of the bands already, but I'd never heard Blue Holocaust, Neuro-Visceral Exhumation or Bodies Lay Broken Before.

I'm currently considering making a brutal death metal compilation myself, by the way, but I doubt many people would bother to check it out, as this board has few BDM enthusiasts.

I would very much enjoy that as I love Brutal Death Metal. I think you me and V5 are the only ones who talk about a lot though.
i fucking love this shit.

i came across some cyber noise grind stuff the other day that was interesting. a lot of it was unlistenable, but some was actually pretty cool.
cookiecutter said:
Alright deathboy! :kickass::kickass:


there's alot of other kick ass grind out there too!
i love's me some
circle of dead children (whom i noticed get's hated on all the time)
leng tche'
ed gein
oops i stepped in some christ (PNW locals)
fetus eaters
not in the face (r.i.p.)

and of course i can never get enough of the classics like
pig destroyer
agorophobic nosebleed

there's just something about grind that causes the little hairs on the back of my neck to stand at attention and makes me want to get up out of my chair and bounce around like an idiot! don't get me wrong, death metal is brutalicious, black metal is soothing, sludgey doom is wonderful, thrash is...well...thrash, speed is exhilirating, power metal is cheese, but grind just get's the ticker pumpin!

woot woot!!
take your time. otherwise you wont appreciate it as much. it's like having two saucy young lasses in bed with you ya know. if you pay too much attention to one, the other gets all in a huff. now of you can distribute your attention evenly between the two, well now, then your evening just got a little more interesting!