Looking to Build My Bass Rack!


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Alright dudes I'm Def buying the Ampeg SVT3pro head and a SVT410. Alright here comes my problem I was wonder what do I need I'm getting a Tuner and Power Conditioner. But Should I invest in a sansamp or will I get the tone I need from the amp and Head? What else should I get not looking for any effects. Thanks in Advance.
The tone on that head is great so there is no absolute need for the sansamp. The sansamp is great but I don't think it's a necessity for a live bass rig. I personally would go w/ a floor tuner unless you just need to have the fancy rack one that costs twice as much. Also, you'll probably end up wanting to buy the mute pedal for the svt if you go with the rackmounted tuner.
I have the SVT4Pro - and with the exception of that particular amp having no internal overdrive/distortion - everything I need tonewise I can dial in on the amp. I bought an SKB rack space and have in it a Furman Power Conditioner, Korg Tuner (really accurate and fast tracking, and really easy to see from anywhere on the stage), a X2 wireless and I left one space empty but put a grill over it to keep space between the amp and allow air flow. You could invest in one of the rackable fans to help keep everything cool. I may do that sometime.

I did have a Sansamp RBI in the rack, but it never added enough to my tone to justify it. BBE's just sound artificial and over hyped. I'm not that familiar with the SVT3 - but if it doesn't have a built in compressor, that's the only other thing I can think you'd need to add.

But kudos on the Ampeg rig. I love mine to death - it's just a beast to move for shows (the rack case is heavy as shit, and I have it into the SVT 8x10 cab). :headbang:
Ya I had a 8x10 before this and Jesus that thing was a bitch at everyone of our gigs thanks for the help. I was actually looking at everything you just stated besides the compressor thanks man! Do you recommend any?
Depending on your taste, Eddie Jackson (Queensryche) uses a SansAmp rackmount unit and Geddy Lee uses a BBE Bass Preamp (not Sonic Maximizer). They have pretty meaty bass tone, so just for input sake.

Not that I'm suggesting either way, but Geddy doesn't even run amps onstage anymore. I'm sure you've seen the washer/dryer setup on his side of the stage in live videos lately. He does everything direct.

So, in the light of this, not that I'm saying "you should go for those guys' bass tones"...the question is do you really want a 400 lb rack or are you just going for what looks cool and all that. Now that I said that, I will say that I would probably have a huge rack as well...given that I use a Mesa Triaxis/Mesa 2:90/TCElectronic G-Major/Rack Tuner rig, it's not too much different.

Behringer has rack tuners for like $50 or something, I'm sure they work just fine. Otherwise, those new Korg stage tuners are small and discreet...small enough to stay out of the way but enough that you can actually see.

If you feel like you need a SansAmp on top of your Ampeg, it should be simply as a backup direct rig if your Ampeg goes tits up. Otherwise, your Ampeg should work fine.
Behringer has rack tuners for like $50 or something, I'm sure they work just fine.

Stay away from the Behringer rack tuners; they're inaccurate, especially for bass (one had me at 435hz, claiming it to be 440), and the tracking is veeeeeery slow. I recommend the Korg DTR-1000.
Ya I had a 8x10 before this and Jesus that thing was a bitch at everyone of our gigs thanks for the help. I was actually looking at everything you just stated besides the compressor thanks man! Do you recommend any?
For the cheap, but decent - I'd go with dbx on the compressor. There are better, but usually more expensive. The Behringer type stuff is usually very noise, not very responsive, and sucks tone. I have used a series of Behringer gear (including their tuners) and just found them unreliable.

I would look at the Korg DTR-1000 for the tuner. I use to use the Boss TU-2 on the floor, but I found this locks onto the pitch a lot quicker - and the LEDs are pretty bright. Plus, strobe tuning is good for intonating the guitar. For compressor, dbx 266XL.

As for the Sansamp, it can be a great preamp, but if you want to use the cabinet - you'll need the power amp anyways so you are looking at the same amount of weight either way. Also, having an actual tube pre gives a much warmer tone than the tube emulation of Sansamp or similar units.
have the sansamp too, use that for your di, i always found the di on the solid state svts to be bollocks.

Or get the sansamp and say an aguilar power amp or something
The DI on the SVTs is actually pretty good, and you have both dry and wet DI outs (or at least I do on the SVT4).
hay man :) my friend (actual bass player from one of bands i play) has svt head - he had svt410 , and recently upgraded to used secondhand pro410 ampeg cab - i think you should consider getting better cabinet than some hype bbe or other exciter thingies. Comparing to pro cab , svt cab soud very muddy , bass is slow , it doesnt have `punch`. Pro sound alot clearer , more definite , more controllable bass etc. Only problem is that bitch is REALLY FUCKING HEAVY.
beg to differ on this one!
having been in a band with someone with a marshall vba400 , that ampeg is pretty pants by comparison
beg to differ on this one!
having been in a band with someone with a marshall vba400 , that ampeg is pretty pants by comparison
It's cool man. I'm kind of a sucker for that SVT tone. I more or less meant in my experience the SVT DI gives a better SVT tone than a Sansamp would. I've played with the floor model, both the RBI and PSA and never got a really warm tone like the tube pre on my amp. That vba400 does sound awesome - hell, I really like the 400+ for that insane grind tone. But now we are talking all tube bass heads which really just have a tone all their own versus the tubepre/sspower hybrids.
To that rig I'd add - DBX 166XL compressor, Korg DTR-1000/2000, Sennheiser G2 Wireless.

Personally I've started going direct with my XT. We even shot our video without a bass amp, I just feel the whole stage looks neater without a big bass cab. The monitor mix is much clearer DI'ing too.
To that rig I'd add - DBX 166XL compressor, Korg DTR-1000/2000, Sennheiser G2 Wireless.

Personally I've started going direct with my XT. We even shot our video without a bass amp, I just feel the whole stage looks neater without a big bass cab. The monitor mix is much clearer DI'ing too.
haha...see, I think the stage looks neater w/ an 8x10 on either side of the drum riser. :lol:
I'd stay away from a rack tuner, looks more prof. if you don't turn your back to the crowd for tuning, better to have a floor unit. My suggestion would be the Peterson StrobeStomp. :p http://www.strobetuner.com/index.cfm?category=2&sub=16
Also, do get a power conditioner, they almost always have sexy lights :D
And also get a X2 Digital Wireless :D http://line6.com/digitalwireless/

BTW. Just met a girl who has built a really nice rack, you should see her when the lights are on ;)