My Rack Options


New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2009
Hey, I'm playing through a Krank Rev 1 head and a Krank 4x12 rev cab
And I think it's about time to make my own rack to optomize my sound and just make everything a lot tighter overall
I'm kind of a noob at this since im new to the whole effects and rack idea.
But this is what ive found so far due to research
tell me if any of this is not a good idea or if it is a good idea, it'd be a big help :)

Well so far im thinking of this then.
Korg Dtr 1000 or 2000 tuner? not sure yet.
Power conditioner of some kind
G Major For Effects

Boss Noise Supressor
and the Ibanez tube screamer.

Is a bbe sonic maximizer a bad idea? I've heard mixed reviews.
Is the G major worth getting? it does have a built in noise gate, but would I even need that?
I would wan't some effects, Delay, Reverb etc.. just for the occasional influence.

IF you can awnser these questions for me YOU ARE MY GOD!
You`ll be fine with the g-major.

Some will tell you about reliabilty issues, but i own one, gigged a lot with it, and is still working, since you gonna employ the boss noise suppressor, the g-major`s one will be almost useless, if you only gonna use it for touch of reverb, occational Delay and chorus for cleans, is Ok.

Forget the sonic maximizer