looking to buy a domain on the web


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
hey guys,
I'm looking for a website where I can buy a domain (.com) on the web.

Here's what I really need to have:

- 2 gig space
- Possibility to FTP to the server
- e-mail addresses ending at @... .com

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You actually need two separate things, if you want 2gb of space you need to buy both a domain and a hosting account. You can normally purchase domains at the hosting sites though.

I have a website and use hostgator.com for hosting and haven't had a problem with it. I actually bought the domain seperately at namecheap.com. If you look on google you can normally find vouchers for discounts - I got my 1st month at hostgator for $0.01 and got a dollar or two knocked off my domain.

Btw, buying a domain at a seperate account means you'll have to forward your domain to the hosting account, but if you just use the same site to purchase them both then it will be set up automatically.

Cheap, Unltd bandwidth/space
Unltd emails
FTP/SSH access
One click install scripts of forums and content managers.
Gavin - are they reliable? I might change hosts myself because it looks like a good deal, maybe too good. Also some gimmicky advertising window opened when I tried to close the page, which I thought was a little off-putting.
Hostmonster.com is awesome.

Like $6 a month for hosting, free domain name registration for your first one, and practically unlimited storage and bandwidth. Also have had great customer service in my experience. Been with them for 2 years and couldn't be happier.
GoDaddy.com. Cheap and everytime I've had to use their help, I've gotten a real person that actually knows what they are talking about and stay with you until your problem is resolved. Never had any downtime on my site in the 5 years I've been with them.